ZENTHERAPY® recognizes that from birth to death, life is flow of energy. This energy takes shape by our attitudes, our emotions, and our bodies. Zentherapy<sup>®</sup> releases the natural form of the body from the abberations caused by physical, chemical, psychological and spiritual traumas. THESE ABBERATIONS MISALIGN THE BODY and block the free flow of energy within the body and between the person and the universe. The blocks and misalignment prevent a person from realizing his full potential and experiencing the oneness of all life. Once blocks are removed and the structure is aligned, the body, mind and spirit will move to a higher plateau.

ZENTHERAPY® IS A SYNTHESIS from Eastern and Western cultures . Many different methods and techniques are used to process the body; this includes the work of my teachers Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, Lauren Berry and Raymond Nimmo. Tanouye Rotaishi's teachings are an underlying source of all Zentherapy® trainings. CONSCIOUSLY EXPERIENCING and using universal energy is what makes Zentherapy® unique. The Zazen training is basic to this work. FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY and throughout the Zentherapy® trainings, special emphasis is placed upon the self development of the practitioner and the development of the client.

IT IS THE GOAL OF ZENTHERAPY® for both the practitioner and the client to become as a child: free of fear, hate, greed and pain. Fully living each moment by moment.

William S. (Dub) Leigh